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We've raised $ 1 million
in Paymon ICO

Paymon ICO project promotion story.
Co-founder at ADWAI,
Ex-marketing Director at Paymon.
Hello everyone! It's Ivan Babaylov - co-founder of Digital marketing Agency ADWAI. Here, we would like to tell you the story about promotion of the Paymon ICO project.

About the project:

Paymon is a blockchain platform where every user can make all kinds of transactions related to cryptocurrency. Starting from the purchase of crypto-currencies and ending with the payment of a loaf of bread in stores.

It can be possible due to own blockchain "Hive", Profit business platform and "Paymon" crypto-messenger.

We (ADWAI team) have receives several tasks:

  • help with the technical implementation of the project, attracting the best blockchain, Android and iOS developers;
  • to attract well-known and status ICO advisors to the team, telling them about the Paymon project;
  • provide marketing services to promote ICO Paymon;
  • help with placing on the top cryptocurrency exchanges.

What was done:
1. Technical implementation
The team of ADWAI Digital Agency includes specialists of the widest profile. Our team includes: blockchain developers, web developers, iOS and Android specialists, server and Internet security specialists, marketers, financiers, lawyers and world-class advisers.

It is because of staffing ADWAI problems with the help of technical implementation did not arise. As a result, the planned period of blockchain development was reduced from 7 to 3 months.
2. Advisors
The Agency's team we selected a few options advisors from which the leadership of Paymon took matching their criteria. ADWAI established contact between the team Paymon and advisors, have helped in negotiating the terms, etc.

It often happens that advisors are not motivated to help the project attract investment and become more well-known.

ADWAI team have created a system of motivation and control over the activities of KPI advisors, which led to the fact that the advisors were interested in the success of the project and helped to attract more investment (one of the advisors attracted about $500,000 of investments).

3. Marketing for ICO
Promotion of ICO/STO is not the easiest task and a lot of projects that come to us complain about the fact that marketing agencies in the field of ICO are not interested in the result at all. Their result is the receipt of payment from the client. The result that the client will receive - they are not interested. We strongly disagree with this concept and consider it simply not fair.

Our goal: in each project to strive to get a return on investment - X10, that means for every dollar invested by our client - we try to attract $ 10 investment. This is the goal that inspires us.

What exactly was done on the project:
  1. Defined marketing concept for the project Paymon;
  2. The target audience of the project (made a portrait of the investor);
  3. Individual messages were worked out for each audience, because we believe that each segment of the audience has its own reasons to invest;
  4. Developed and planned the reason, which made it possible to create interesting media plan;
  5. Identified traffic channels that can potentially bring investment in the project;
  6. A detailed marketing strategy is prescribed;
  7. The concept and implementation plan of the Bounty program has been prepared;
As part of the Bounty program Paymon - team ADWAI attracted more than 6,200 participants, who posted about 20,000 promotional materials about Paymon, which had a great impact on the SEO promotion of the ICO project Paymon.

8. Writing and publishing press releases and articles in thematic media;

During the Paymon ICO period, the team of our Agency wrote and published articles in more than 100 cryptocurrency media resources.

Below you will find some screenshots of Paymon articles with some explanatory comments.

Article "5 reasons to invest in Paymon" in Coinidol:
By the way, this article proved to be very good and gave a large amount of investment, through the use of figures in the title and a clear message: read and find out the reasons that will make you invest.

In ICO marketing, it is important to be able to play on the curiosity of a potential investor, which in the future grows into a desire to work with the project.

The article "What is Paymon and why everyone is talking about it" in the German edition of BTC-ECHO.

By the way, many projects, in vain, miss the attention of the European market. In the case of the Paymon - Europe project, it is the second region in terms of fees, which (at its high cost) showed the result and brought a large number of investors.

When writing press releases, it is also important to be able to generate attention-grabbing headlines. There are some interesting concepts in creating headlines:

1. the numbers in the headlines ("5 reasons why...", "117 ideas for..." etc);
2. specifics in the headlines ("How to increase the number of investors by 312%" , etc);
3. appeal directly to the reader ("I know you are an investor");
4. the question is in the title ("are You an investor?", "Invest in ICO?");
5. title in call-to-action format ("Learn how to...."etc).

When generating a title, the ADWAI Digital team recommends a minimum of 20 titles for each article. Yes, you only need one title for an article, but if you have the option to choose, you can potentially choose a more conversion title.
Article "Blockchain 4.0 from Paymon" in the French media CanardCoinCoin.

This media also showed a very good ROI (Return On Investment - return on investment).

9. Placing of a project in ICO calendars

ICO calendars played a crucial role in the promotion of many ICO projects. ICOBench, ICOBazaar Each calendar (with proper use of its capabilities) allows you to attract a loyal audience of investors.
Paymon on ICObench.

ICObench is a very effective platform for communication of the project with ICO investors. If the project expects stable growth - it is obliged to work with calendars.

For example, an analyst on the Paymon project showed that ICOBench attracted about 10,000 users, 6,000 of which in one way or another achieved the goals set on the website (opening White Paper, registration in the personal account, copying the wallet for investment, investment).

Also, from the analysis of the screenshot attached below , we can conclude that on average, the user who came to the ICO Paymon c ICOBench site spent almost 6 minutes on the site, studying the documentation and making a decision. This is a very good indicator, which shows that the audience already interested in the project comes from the calendars, wishing to get more information and invest.

ICO projects should properly use calendars, placing on those that yield results and working with the audience, reviews and questions. This is the key to the success of promotion using calendars.
10. Selection, analysis, and exit commands on the Paymon scoring conference

In the field of ICO, conferences, meetups, meetings and much more are held almost every day around the world. But the project team can not participate in all conferences at the same time and therefore it is important to be able to recognize and understand what conference is worth going to, and from which it is better to refrain.
Paymon team at the conference "Hey! Blockchain" in Vietnam (Hanoi).

Paymon CEO Semyon Gleim at the conference in Limassol

As a result, The Paymon team visited about 10 selected conferences, which allowed us to attract about 40% of the total invested funds.

11. The conclusion of the project on cryptocurrency exchanges

In the field of ICO works well networking. The adwai Digital team has a wide base of contacts and acquaintances that allow us to help ICO and STO projects with placements on cryptocurrency exchanges.
After the ICO, our team - Paymon project was launched on 3 cryptocurrency exchanges: IDEX, Yobit and HitBTC (TOP 7 exchange according to Coinmarketcap).

Overall results:
Marketing budget: $110,000
Fee amount: $ 1,092,524 was raised during Paymon ICO.
ROI: 893%

The project was launched on 3 cryptocurrency exchanges: IDEX, Yobit and HitBTC (TOP 7 exchange according to Coinmarketcap).

Total community: ~ 32.000 people.
The number of readers of the English-speaking Paymon chat in Telegram.

Paymon Twitter account.

Due to promoting projects in international markets, it is important to be able to understand the principles of building a community in each country. To move with one message in Russia and Asia will not work, because of different cultures, values, etc.

That is why during the ICO, active communities were formed under the regions of interest to us, which were managed by experienced marketers located within these countries.

One of the successful community can be considered created by activists Paymon community in Vietnam.

Visitors to the site (potential investors) for the ICO period: ~ 140,000 people.

Token holders (investors), according to the ICO: ~ 13,000 people.

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